Last few weeks in Villa Verde

Informed the owner that I'd be moving out. The landlady wished me luck and we had a chat on how expensive things are nowadays and how difficult things are especially when you have kids, all while the landlord was pacing back and forth, perhaps worried that he'd need to arrange for people to view and rent the room again. A few times, she apologised for the noise they made and I reassured her that I was partially deaf and couldn't hear a thing. I guess its just family woes. Problems with the kids not studying and stuff, with the teenage girl finding a boyfriend and a couple of other things, but all in all I would say that they are nice, or at least they were nice to me. Sometimes, coming home to mojo's incessant barking, or their youngest daughter showing me a drawing or a something she is doing really takes the weight away. The older son is mostly on the pc, but still finds time to pass me his latest mmorpg disc. The landlord scolds me for parking my car too far away, that I have to walk. Its just like I'd not only rented a room, but also got a part time family. I guess I'm always blessed that no matter where I go, everyone always seem to find a need to take care of me.

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