The latest fad seems to be Forbidden Kingdom. I've got more than 1 buddy talking to me about how crappy the translations were. Well I guess its a good effort to try to make it to the western market, but I doubt any of the ang mo's would understand a word they are saying. I can just picture them waiting in anticipation for the show to start, with Jet Li and Jacky Chan and all, and then scratching their heads and wondering what is "the gate of no gate?" "two tigers can't be stored in one mountain??". Well, it was quite entertaining though, looking at the immortals fly back 1 feet everytime they got up... and listening to Crystal Liu Yi Fei (who happens to have the same name as my brother in law)'s 2nd person quotes "She has practiced the jade dart that can kill immortals" "She miss her mother" "She is a salty pig hand". Well, considering that there's really not much to watch in the cinemas, it definitely beats watching another Andy Lau or Leon Lai movie.
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