
Its typical at landed property areas that cars are parked at both sides of the road and it sometimes requires some judgement to be able to negotiate the roadway when you're driving.

One time, after I had parked my car at the roadside, I noticed a van who just came and parked at the roadside in front of me. His van was like 0.5m away from the road kerb. There and then, I lamented that someone with a bigger car might have difficulties negotiating the space between his van and the other car parked parallel to him. Like an answer to a prayer, a BM approached and sure thing, it couldn't get pass the space. The lady honked several minutes, before the owner of the van came out of the house, apologised and moved his van nearer to the kerbline.

We were at home in the afternoon, having a nap, when all of a sudden there was someone outside hitting the horn continuously. Instinctively, I thought something similar had happened. I got over to the window and this is what I saw...

There was this BM who stopped right in front of a car and a van. There was at least 250mm on each side of his car. Both the van and the car was parked abutting the road line... and this guy stopped his car, honked continuously, got out of his car, looked at the van and the space available, got back into his car and drove straight pass both cars. Imagine the next stretch of the road. I mean, pity the poor guy, he has to stop his car and horn at least 15 to 20 times before he can get out of this area!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such a coincidence. You just mention this to me today.