Mirror and the Scale...

Of Mirrors...
Sometimes, when things look bad on one side, and absolutely perfect on the other, things might not be as it seems. Sometimes, things just look that way. But if you spend the time to live it, then sometimes, just sometimes, things turn out quite the opposite of what you expect...
And when you do deal with others, reflect on what you do. What I think is, no matter whether its a peer, or its someone that's put under you, your job is really to make life easier for everyone else. Well, it's a tiring job, and it takes out almost every ounce of energy from you, but occasionally, things come back positively in a way you'd never expect...

Of the Balancing Scale...
There are always demons and angels. Wherever I go, I tend to meet a few Satans, that go out of their way to make life unbearable. Somehow, they always appear the strongest, and most affecting. But then again, there's always some Angels that appear out of nowhere, there are always people supporting me no matter where I go, and people believing in me. If you count those Angels, they always somehow exceed the quantity of those who are Satans. But of course, us being humans, we tend to be affected more by the bad things, much much more than the good. There is a lesson to be learnt in being appreciative of what you have, rather than concentrating on those that are not worth the effort or time.
And things will balance out somehow? That's really something that I have yet to see. The world is full of selfish and self-centered people, who'd do anything to gain an advantage for themselves, at the expense of everyone else. I guess it's just society, a society that breeds greed and dishonesty. And through all that I've encountered, there's really only a handful of people that deserve my respect and attention. Those the people I plan to concentrate on, to do my best for them, and make sure they have my full support throughout their lives.

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