Here's the link:
The first excuse was quite humorous, a common excuse a mother of a child could use. The next few was ok. Up to the fourth response, a traffic police officer gave his 2 cents on what he tought of excuses. Interesting to note that I already had 4 replies in 36 minutes. Wonder how many more responses I would get..
This is totally not applicable to your circumstances, but the last time I was speeding at 120km/hr along the expressway with a "P" plate on my car and a police officer came alongside me to glare at me, I immediately slowed down and gave the sweetest smile that I could master. And he let me off. ;)
ya lor... so have to absorb whatever they throw at me... I dun have big and watery eyes...
Btw, u sure you can drive at 120kmph????
Thank you God for not letting me be at the same road at the time that was happening... hehe
very true. i was once told that if you've been stopped by the police for using a mobile phone (without handsfree kit) or not wearing your safety belt, dun argue with them. just admit it. coz if you argue with them, it only implies they're blind (cannot see properly).
In m'sia no need to argue... just call them "abang" and slip the u know what under their hand.. hehe... in Singapore, u try that, and you'd be eating curry rice for a long time..
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