In jungle x, there lived an elephant. This elephant, unlike others, really had an editic memory. He loved bambis and never forgot a thing. After being in the jungle for a while, he became the elephant king.

One fine day, some monkeys enter the elephant's jungle. Being monkeys, they inherently exhibited monkey characteristics. One monkey moved from branch to branch. One monkey swing too hard and hurt his back. One monkey, the coolest one, went to the stream often, to feed on coffee beans. There were tons of other monkeys, like the incredible bungalow throwing monkey, the cheapo twistie loving monkey, the big shot stopping monkey, the watery eyed monkey etc. All in all, they had a good time in the jungle, not knowing that the jungle belonged to the elephant king.
In no time, the elephant king notices the monkeys. He didn't have an inherent liking of this
species, as his jungle consisted of elite crocodiles, hyenas and hippos. Seeing that the monkeys portrayed a fun bunch to the rest of the jungle, the elephant king decided that some monkeys should be rewarded to show his graciousness. However, it was difficult to reward them substantially, as those within his circle of power might rebel. So, the elephant king decreed that a few monkeys should be given a gift, one that is hidden inside a banana peel.

The monkeys heard of the generosity of the elephant king and rejoiced silently. "Well this jungle isn't all too bad... don't u think?" said one monkey. "Maybe there are other jungles?" said the other. A third monkey appeared and said, "This jungle sucks. Some snake just coiled around my tree".
After a while, some gorillas appeared and carried two monkeys to the castle. In the castle, the monkeys were each given a banana peel with something inside. The first one said, "I think its a gold bar". The second one said,"It's light. Maybe its a diamond jewel". And they were piqued with curiosity. The elephant king appeared and was really happy that he had given them gifts. He hurriedly requested that the monkeys open the gifts. Slowly, the two monkeys opened their gift. The crowd of monkeys jumped around and tried to catch a glimpse of whats inside. "Is it a diamond? a gold bar? US dollars?" The crowd gasped as the gift was opened. One kid from the crowd shouted,
Yo, popped by from Dean's!!! Didn't know it's YOUR "jungle" blogging page! hahhahhaaa...farny story...I have to say though, the monkey reminds me of my kids! ;P
I'm sure your kids are much cuter... ;)
Let me guess. This is your perf increment?
Err.. pls see disclaimer... this is entirely fictional le..
I share your sentiment fellow monkey.
its ok... dun be too sad... u still have branch monkey..
now i get wat u mean... jing is smart la... heh heh... then again, there's no mention of mosquito... so i assume she's a monkey now? :)
oh sorry... purely fictional.
Waa...since when u all so close? call jing instead of mosquito girl? wahhahaha... got la.. mosquito girl is d watery eyed monkey... cos her eyes always got water...
oh... mosquito become monkey... heh heh... evolution, i guess.
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