As we went to the site, the ground was covered by a puddle of water, preventing us from getting a good view of our unit under construction. Then, my other half had an idea of going up the trail of the adjacent nature reserve so that we can get an aerial view of the development. We drove over to the Park, and followed the trail.
First thing we noticed was this biggg ant... I mean it was like 3cm... not your ordinary everyday ant.. couldn't get a good picture of it as it was moving about.
Then we went up the trail a little further. It wasn't too difficult for me as I had track shoes on. My other half was wearing high heels.... god bless her...

We came to a small bridge leading to another trail. Just then, she saw something which ended our journey of the nature reserve.. and we had probably had the World Record for the fastest descent... this is the culprit:

i thought anyone who's seen you would have seen the most 'horror' thing... kekekeke...
seriously... wahlau eh... your new place driving away the animals from natural habitat... :(
oh well, monkey out, big ape come in... no prize who's the big ape... hahaha...
Not really le... nature reserve cannot touch wan... that plot of land is for development, directly beside the railway track...
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