Think I have done enough of career ending moves to last me a lifetime...
First, I forgot to arrange a director's meeting, when I was supposed to be the secretary...
Then, I made a presentation using my direct boss as a focal point... think he was amused, not..
Later the same day, I used a white tiger as an example in a presentation, and was labelled an animal hater...
If that's not enough, I sent an email with comments, a few seconds after a director sent out an email saying that it was perfect...
I ran an operation, and something that was checked in the operation collapsed...
I just opened some Chinese music on the lappy, and the division director walks past my cubicle...
The biggest boss said that we know nothing about machines, and I told him he knows nothing about us...
And just today, a director asks me to see a picture, tell him what it is, got ecstatic, sent out an email to score points, and then receives an email from me saying that what he saw was wrong... and he cc'ed the whole world (all the other directors) of course...
Man, I think I am condemned...
PS: And why I used mei and xiao mei for the pic? Cute ma.. haha