Anyway, while we were at lunch, Michelle Chia appeared! She was with 2 ang mo's. Took a postcard and pretended to get her autograph, but didn't cos it was too 'bo liao' or 'mou liu'. Then went back to my seat, and realised sitting there was even more 'bo liao'.. so I borrowed a pen from a colleague, went to grab a free postcard and asked her for her autograph! She was really quick with the autographing. And I ended it with a casual remark, "You look better in person than on TV". The ang mo's laughed, and she said, "You just made my day".
This is the autograph I got...

And for those that dunno... this is Michelle Chia.. a TCS actress.

i was going to ask who is michelle chia... heh heh...
i find all these autographs quite useless...
hhahaa...was gonna ask the same question! ;)
I have a couple of those autographs back then...dunno where they all are now! :P
TCS TCS... Singapore one... u all KL fellas... dunno wan la...
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