Have been having stomach problems for the past 3-4 days. Since sat, when I first took the kaya toast (the name of the shop is withheld.. ask me if u wanna know), I have been having vomiting spells and diarrhoea for 2 whole days. End of Sunday, and I finally gave up with natural healing and downed two pills of loperamil. From then on, diarrhoea and vomiting became constipation.

Tuesday and I had my first bao. Tuesday afternoon and I even had mixed rice. By 2pm, the effects of mixed rice took place. This time, vomiting spells came back. A colleague mentioned in the morning that it may be a flu virus and I can't help but agree. Skipped dinner and replaced the beef rice I bought with 2 cups of Coke instead. Surprising thing is that I am still moving, am yet to feel dehydrated, and can still conjure up jokes.
To be continued.... (if I can still type after today)
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