The blogging eclipse...
Just clicked on the counter out of the blue, and waaa..82!! Considering that there is only 17 visitors, this must be another anomaly! It can't be the same wierdo, cos he is at home lying flat on his back from carrying too many babies.
So I guess it will be a mystery. And seeing that this only happens once in a long long time, I shall now term this phenomenon as THE BLOGGING ECLIPSE!! Well, u can call it 'the blogging comet', or 'the blogging earthquake', or 'the comet earthquake meteor blog' for all I care. But I am calling it 'THE BLOGGING ECLIPSE'!!!! Wahahhahaa!! (So fast back to usual crappy self..hahaha)...
It's not like he was in a hurry or something. He just went pass, raised his hand and leisurely rode on like nothing happened. Wonder why he was willing to risk his life just to save a few seconds. I don't know, but to me, that's just plain reckless.
Sleepy and tired...
Grandmother story...
There was a clan meetup... and the venerable oak tree told of a prophecy that 5 arrows will be shot at our clansmen. As we anticipated the arrows, one flew out of the sky and hit an elf. Just as I was counting my luck, another 4 came out of the sky and aimed directly at me. I tried running, but got hit by 4 arrows. As I got hit, I mumbled "*&^%&$%#", then got back to my den.
The next day, as I was contemplating on how to deal with the 4 arrows, which were still stuck at my behind, a fifth one appears and hits me from below. I jumped and yelped...and then tried to pull out the arrow, but to no success, as the arrow was lodged deep underneath. Cursing my luck, I tried to chip on the arrow bit by bit, hoping it would come out sooner or later.
The following day, in the wee hours of morning, when the birds just started chirping, the venerable oak tree appeared and was carrying a big silvermane bow with an arrow. This arrow was a bit different. According to the oak tree, this arrow will negate another arrow that was shot at me before I got shot by the 4 arrows, leaving the wound there, but making the previous arrow unaccounted for. "The previous arrow will no longer be considered as an arrow" said the venerable oak tree. And then pulls out the bow and aims it at my behind. Getting used to the pain and believeing it's fated, I turned over and accepted the next arrow.
Just when I thought that it was the end of the arrows being shot, considering that my behind was only that big and could only accomodate a certain number of arrows, another arrow appears out of nowhere and plunges into the depths of whatever is left of my behind.
Feeling numb, but still needing to tend to the 7 arrows, I went to see a witchdoctor. The witchdoctor told me that it is normal to be shot by 7 arrows and to accept that the arrows will come out eventually, but will be replenished shortly afterwords, as part of the clan ritual. His last words of wisdom, before I left his hut, was "either go to another clan....or...increase the size of your behind!".
Gong Tau...
a) Tapped my staff pass on the MRT station exit
b) Tapped my credit card on the office door access
c) Tapped my condo pass on the office door access
And just a while ago:
d) Tapped my staff pass at my condo door access.... again.
Think I better sleep earlier tonight.
Hawaii 501...

Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo, Sakana No Ko...
Lyrics (Romaji):
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko
Aoi umi kara yatte kita
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo fukurannda
Manmaru onaka no onna no ko
Peta-peta pyon-pyon
Asitte iina kakechao
Otetewa iina tunaijao
Anoko to haneru to une mo odoruyo
Paku-paku chu-gyu, paku-paku chu-gyu
Anoko ga daisuki
Makkakka no Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo sakana no ko
Gake no ue ni yatte kita
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo onna no ko
Manmaru onaka no genkina ko
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo, it's a fish kid
It came from the blue ocean
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo,
She is a round bellied girl
Peta-peta pyon-pyon
How nice to have feet! I'll try to run!
How nice to have hands! I'll try to hold hands with!
When I jump with her, my heart dances along
Paku-paku chu-gyu, paku-paku chu-gyu
I love her so much!
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo, it's a fish kid in red
It came from the blue ocean
Ponyo Ponyo Ponyo,
She is a round bellied girl
Bigger than Anaconda
Oh wow!!
I guess its not that we are unhappy or unsatisfied, only that humans tend to want to express what they feel... the current stresses, the work loads, the milestones... just to let off some of our expressions of feeling burdened with work.. It's hard to be content at a workplace and even harder to be content when everything seems to be either too much or too little...
Haha...see...I'm whining too...