I remember writing a post on guests with some animal pics.... well, back then, the bug was still available... tomorrow, I'll be travelling back to my hometown to go for the bug's big day. Somehow, I just feel glad that he is tying the knot... not that I can finally get rid of him, but the bug needs someone to make sure he collects enough corn for the winter.. I guess this time, the bug got hitched with a nice ladybug, one that appreciates anime and watches inuyasha..

The chicken who was awol the other time, will continue to be awol this time... no worries.. we all know he is tending to his baby chick and probably playing magic with ah sou in Taiping.. but the next time we meet... the chicken better be ready with the chick and six decks of Timespiral Block constructed... wonder if married bug will do better than single bug...

The bunny thought it was a trend to go awol, and decided to go awol after reading some comments on the cbox..
Who is the bug?
anyway, what about the CRAB?!?
Its dragon... not crab..
Adel, how? he hamsum or not? hehehahahhaa...
no need to ask la... of coz hansem la... :) heh heh...
and we all know phenom is ham... sap.
i cannot sleep la... mist be due to the teh i had just now... no thanks to you. in the car just now so sleepy...
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