First, a wonderful colleague gives me a call early in the morning before I woke up to tell me that my name is in the first page of the Straits Times for commiting a crime and that I should get a copy of the newspapers. Not that I am guilty or something, but I went down to the shop just to get a copy of the papers, just in case. After reading the front page, I realised that my colleague had a reading problem and that he didn't realise that my name is not Tan Tun Jin! (Apologies Steven....for the newspaper cutting I sent years ago..)

In the process of getting the paper however, I was blocked by this lady carrying a baby. When I moved left, she moved left, when I moved right, she moved right... It was only when she said "Hoi" that I realise that she was my ex-classmate.. blur... had a brief chat and just as I headed up the steps, her hubby sms'es me to tell me that I received a parking fine... After getting the newspapers, I got to the car and drove out. Being distraught over the days happenings, I almost crossed a red light but managed to brake just in time. Got a headache that afternoon and decided to swallow some panadol and sleep the day off... On the flip side, managed to catch Jewel in the Palace though... which was a ray of light in the cloud..
kekekek... i remember u telling me about the pervert/ rapist... heh heh... i wonder if steven still have that article.
hehehe... he probably hasn't read this post yet...
Added the article, for the nostalgia and rememberance....
click to read... all references to related persons have been removed..
if its not our fren, why u edit the paper la... :P
kill the fun only. it could have been any other article wat... kekeke
The name is our frens name la... thats why I removed it...not nice post online.. :p
same name only ma... not say its the person who did it... if the person did it, another story la...
heh heh... after all, i posted your name on the web before... heh heh...
yah and what happened? bugger.. that's why call you bug is absolutely right wan..
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