When you just know something is wrong the moment you click on the send button

Was talking to my other half when I recalled this incident when I was typing an e-mail to a friend. We were on the topic of business opportunities.. and half way through the e-mail exchange, we were discussing about pumping in capital to start a business... just then, my friend exclaimed that she had no capital to start anything.. trying to be supportive, I replied by e-mail telling her, "If you can run the place, we can pool some capital and start something. I can be your sleeping partner", and clicked on the send button. Just then, it dawned on me that something was wrong.... I leave the interpretation to you..... Lucky thing, that friend didn't realise the pun and replied in a normal way that the biz was too difficult to begin with....phew!


Phenom said...

oih.. you are dam discrete man... now I have to pray hard hard that the person doesn't read this..

Scholes said...

u can add buddies to that list too

Phenom said...

Wow... didn't know posting something like this can catch so much attention...hehe..

Phenom said...

Reminds me of a @#$@#@% bug who posted my full name in his blog and almost got me into trouble.. hmmm.. must take revenge and post something juicy about him here...hehe

Anonymous said...

which BUG?!? :P

Phenom said...

You guess leh... @#$%@@#