Joke of the day!

D boss came over and told me where he wanted the meeting lunch to be at. He mentioned the location, and I penned it down. I scribbled on the notepad "White Quay". Was wondering where the heck this place is.. somewhere in Boat Quay perhaps.

He looked at what I was writing and darn, the scribbling was legible enuff for him to see. So he corrected me by spelling out the location... H-U-A-T K-E-E...


adriantai said...

happens when you get old... the hearing goes... the eye sight goes... you know la... just look in the mirror... bwahaha...

Phenom said...

ya.. just find it funny.. I always assume that business lunches will be at some western dining place.. so never thought something like that would actually happen...

Jing..xx said...

I'm just amazed the boss can actually read the ant sized handwriting of yours. :)

Phenom said...

ya and it was scribbled.. and tiny... man, i think this guy really has hidden talents..

adriantai said...

wow... everyone knows abt your ant size... i mean, your writing... :)

Phenom said...

arrrghhh.. urs also bug size only ma... bugdy...wahaha