Sleepy and tired...

Was trying very hard to finish reading my book yesterday night.. Grandfather Gottlieb's 'Letters to Sam'... but only managed 20 pages before I lay asleep with the lights still on. It gets so tiring these days that I can't even manage finishing a book anymore.. or perhaps, my ability to read is slowing down as age takes over. Oh well, I'll try to finish it tonight, but expect that I'd doze off again. Had a long day today. Good gracious it's the weekend already.


adriantai said...

dun abuse the body... it needs to time heal itself as well... and normally the healing is done when the rest is 'shut down' aka when you are sleeping. so take more rest/ sleep...

Phenom said...

okok.. pant pant.. have to finish replying ur marathon comments...then only can sleep ma...wahahahhaha