Share, Shear, Hears, Hares, Ares?

Been playing a lot of wordchallenge on facebook. Got hooked after aunty got 15000+ pts, beat her with 16000+, and all of a sudden, saw her score skyrocket to 25000!!! Now, an average human with one brain gets 10,000+ in score. Aunty probably have 2 and a half brains.

After a few weeks of playing, I got close to 25000...I was at 21000 for the longest time until one day, when it finally happened... I reached 26000!! After that... I shut off my fb, and vowed not to open it for the next week. After all, I know that the moment i open it, I will see aunty's 35000 score waiting for me.

Problem does not end there. There are side effects. I was driving along the road when I saw a NISSAN truck. Instinctively, SIN, SINS, ASS, SIS.. started coming out of nowhere... u can guess what happens when I saw a SGH2176A car in front of me. (Hint: Sag, Shag, Gas, Has, Hags?)..
I think I better remove the application for good...

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