
Sometimes I really wonder why I whine so much. Actually, I wonder more why my buddies and friends bother to come to this website and hear me whine. I mean, things always seem to be alright or fine. Everyone seems to be nice and kind. My company pays well and does lots of things for us. Logically speaking, I should be thankful, appreciative and counting my blessings, but somehow, it just feels lethargic being in the state I'm in right now. Well, at least one buddy got pissed and wont be visiting here soon.
I guess it's kinda like midlife crisis, where you have a career, but you don't seem to have one. Where you have money, but it never seems to be enough to make ends meet, where you have friends but they're never near. Where you have a job, but have nothing to do. Sometimes, I just wished I was in the rat race. That way, I wouldn't have to think and I would be so bogged up with work that these things wouldn't even cross my mind.
I read a book which advocated that we should spend time writing what we want in life to remind us of the things that are really important to us. Try this little exercise. Pick up a pen and paper, write down 10 things that you want most in life. You'd probably realise that filling the 10 items isn't easy at all. Well, unless you list ferarri, peugeot, mercedes.. etc. which shows tons about your character development. I guess the key thing is, most of us either want the same things, family, security, early retirement... or we don't know what we want at all... I guess that when you age reaches the big 3, you'd start to think where you're heading and whether the ship can still be steared away from where you're heading.
Me, I'm glad I have great family and friends and an understanding companion. Life sucks, but with these people around me, it sure sucks less....


adriantai said...


i know what i want...

anyway, i can understand how you feel. its like u have everything, but dun seem like it. its like there's still some empty feeling... maybe you wonder - "what is the matrix?"... ok, scrap the last line. :)

seriously, u r on the right track. u need to know what u want. not material but more of the character. take some time out to really think of who you are... u know, alone at night or in the park or the seaside... think. what are you now. what you want to be.

sorry i can't be too near you, bro. what to do? you got itchy hands and touch here and there... hahaha...

seriously, i'll try to pop by soon. there are a few developments and if all goes well, i'll get to see you more often. :)

Phenom said...

I guess thats good (maybe bad)news for me.... hehe...coming over permanently ah...hehhee...welcome man... but ah sou might not be too happy....gotta share me for mtg time...hehehe